2021 was quite the year! We faced a lot of challenges created by Covid in both our work environment, availability of supplies and illness of family members. As well, we had some exciting changes including a huge shipment of fabric and a move! Phew! It has been a lot of work but we have worked our way through and are looking forward to great things in 2022! Read on to learn more about what we accomplished last year!
Fabric Shipment
At the beginning of the fall we received a big shipment of fabric! It had been a long time coming with various delays occurring due to Covid as well as the shipping price slowly creeping higher and higher! We were very relieved when our 40-foot container was finally delivered!
Did you know we are a home business and our entire production area is in the basement of our owner, Karen’s home? When the container arrived, it had to be parked on the street outside the house. You can see how big the container was and if you look closely you might notice something else in the pic . . . a For Sale sign on the lawn of the house!! That’s right, the arrival of the container coincided with Karen and her husband listing their home for sale. Talk about being busy!!
Everyone in the company, plus some very helpful neighbours pitched in and quickly moved the many rolls of fabric into 2 storage containers that would hold the fabric rolls until they were moved to the new house. We got very tired and dirty but also had a lot of fun together as we did the work. We were fortunate we got this order in early and received it before availability worsened due to Covid conditions so we could continue to fill your orders.
Move/New Space
In November, we moved our business (and Karen and her family moved themselves) into our new home! One of the reasons for the move was we needed more space as we continue to grow! We now have room for a second big cutting table (yay!), room to move around (so we are no longer tripping over one another!) and room for storing all the bits and pieces that we couldn’t fit in before. In addition, we have a great space in the garage to do our screen printing!
It has been a huge job moving the workshop and getting everything back to working fluidly. The first few weeks were pretty tough but we find ourselves searching for things less and less these days! We are certainly enjoying all the space and the new table has made a big difference.
Because of the move, we were unable to silkscreen until recently which meant some of you had to wait until now for Frogs and Iguanas to be available. We are excited to let you know that we printed hundreds of each of these in the last 2 weeks and are busy packaging them and filling orders. Thank you for your patience!
All Thanks to You
Your continual support allowed us to make all these changes behind the scenes to continue to serve you better. We also made some changes to our website and our fleece colours that you may already be aware of. In case you missed it, we launched specific web stores for Canadian and American customers to eliminate any confusion around conversion and shipping, we added a photo gallery to better share all the amazing photos that are shared with us and our new Fleece colours of Lavender, Rose Quartz, Sage and Steel Blue arrived and are now available!
What’s Next?
We still have a few surprises to share and we can’t wait to let you all know! Although we can’t tell you about them yet, we can tell you we will keep you up-to-date and we always welcome your feedback, suggestions, and questions.
We still have a few surprises to share and we can’t wait to let you all know! Although we can’t tell you about them yet, we can tell you we will keep you up-to-date and we always welcome your feedback, suggestions, and questions.